An excellent way of getting recognition for your work while you're still in school is by entering student competitions in interior design. Some of the major professional organizations and publications hold competitions specifically geared towards the interior design student.
• The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) holds an annual Student Sustainable Design Competition. Each year, three students are recognized for creative excellence in incorporating sustainable design principles into a project.
• The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) holds annual student competitions in interior design. Each year, one interior design student wins an ASID Student Design Award. The 2005 competition called for the incorporation of a spa for multiple sclerosis patients while utilizing aspects of green design.
• The ASID also holds another interior design contest where first and second place winners are announced - the annual Student Interior Design Contest. For the competition in 2005, the project required designing a kitchen and living or dining area with the use of a minimum of three KitchenAid appliances.
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