January 19, 2007, Newsletter Issue #25: Taking an Interior Design Course via Distance Education

Tip of the Week

Modern technology has transformed the way people can learn. If you don't have easy access to an interior design course in the classroom, consider going the distance education route. Want to brush up on continuing education courses or have other commitments that make classroom time difficult? You can find entire programs online or take specific courses. To learn more about taking an interior design course via distance education, check these resources:

• Check the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID at www.asid.org). They offer self directed electronic and text continuing education courses. Learn about everything from ADA access to finish and furniture selection.

• The National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA at www.nkba.org) has a kitchen e-course where you can learn all about the kitchen planning.

• Go to the American Institute of Architects (AIA at www.aia.org). You can select a range of e-courses including business design practices, lighting design, and green design.

• Visit the Web site for All Art Schools at www.allartschools.com or Schools of Interior Design at www.schools-of-interior-design.com to find interior design programs online.

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